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l只争朝夕。All we have is now. l吃一堑, 长一智。Live and learn. l战胜自我。Conquer from within. l大智若愚。Cats hide their paws. l无所畏惧。Have nothing to lose. l知易行难。Easier said than done. l熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect . l年长则智增。Years bring wisdom. l未来可期。The best is yet to come. l三思而后行。Look before you leap. l知识就是力量。Knowledge is power. l不屈不挠。Live to fight another day. l实事求是。Let's call a spade a spade. l骄兵必败。Pride comes before a fall.


l欲速则不达。More haste less speed. l勿人云亦云。Be a voice not an echo.


l滴水穿石。Little stone fell great oaks. l竭尽全力。Leave no stone unturned. l祸不单行。It never rains but it pours. l好景不常在。Every day is not Sunday. l不经磨炼,难现辉煌。No gall no glory. l趁热打铁。Strike while the iron is hot. l美丽是一种态度。Beauty is an attitude. l不付出,无回报。No gain without pain. l英雄所见略同。Great minds think alike. l不冒风险,哪来回报。No risk,no reward. l集思广益Two heads are better than one. ……